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Jesuit Retreat House

The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

During his long term convalescence after being injured in the battle of Pamplona and during his months of prayer in the cave at Manresa,
Ignatius of Loyola became engrossed in a prayer life that would become the Spiritual Exercises.

For many months, Ignatius (still a lay person at this time) noticed how God led him to pay attention to the diverse "voices" inside of him - to the movements of consolation and desolation in his heart and spirit.  Furthermore, he gradually learned to discern the sources of these desires, thoughts and movements of the heart and spirit: which of them came from God and which of them drew him away from God - and perhaps most importantly, which of them he should act upon.

Throughout this time, Ignatius learned how important it is to look for God in the stuff of his everyday experience; he learned that God was shaping and forming him to be a companion of Jesus.  The fruit of these months of prayer and reflection is contained in his Spiritual Exercises.